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The Emblem of the Franciscan Sisters of Chicago


The Franciscan Sisters of Chicago have chosen as the basis of their emblem the ancient Chi Rho, the Greek symbol for Christ whose Holy Gospel they have promised to observe. The letter M with its ulterior curved lines, rises from the stem of the Chi Rho and symbolizes Mary, the Mother of God, who Saint Francis of Assisi chose as patroness and advocate of his Order for all Times.


The Madonna lily represents Mary under her title, the Immaculate Conception, to whom Mother Mary Theresa Dudzik had a profound and fervent devotion, and to whose patronage she entrusted the Congregation from its foundation.


Transversed at the base of the Chi Rho are the pierced hands of Jesus and Saint Francis whose ardent love for the crucified Christ resulted in the impression of the sacred stigmata on his body. The crossbar and the stem of the Chi Rho form the Tau, the t-shaped cross. These graphic symbols combine to identify the Sisters as members of the Third Order Regular of Saint Francis of Assisi.


The specific character of Franciscanism is the commitment of its members to live the Gospel message of charity toward God, humanity, and all of God's creation;to embrace penance and poverty; to render joyful and dedicated service to the people of God; and to be messengers of peace and Christian community according to the example of their Seraphic Father, Saint Francis. The essence of Franciscan spirituality is contained in the constant aspiration of Saint Francis, "My God and My All," which the Congregation has accepted as its motto. This motto best expresses the ideal which the Franciscan Sisters of Chicago strive to imitate.


Franciscan Sisters
of Chicago

Our Lady of Victory Convent
11400 Theresa Drive, Lemont, IL 60439

Phone:  (630) 243-3600
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